04-28-24 Now catching up, with meeting and club contest news coverages for February, March inside the March/April & April TAMS. For the record, there was NO March 2024 OSS written or published, January 2024 SVSM Meeting was an Auction night, there was no model talk or business to cover. Editor was swamped for a good sequence of time with life matters and so OSS coverages were spare when even accomplished. All is back on track for now. Also note NO TAMS for January, February 2024. 
05-01-24 SO CAUGHT UP and then some thanks to surprise material after April SVSM meet, Editor crafts new flyer, fashions three articles out of provided textual support for unique Club Contest April winning entry and creates a BONUS third TAMS for publish on first day of MAY. Three issues in less than 10 days whataday!
05-29-24 BOO RAH Now have FIVE TAMS done for 2024, as MAY issue published today with current material and on time as promised. LIFE IS GOOD TODAY
07-18-24 YES the June and July issues are here
OSS_JAN_2024.pdf OSS_JAN_2024.pdf
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OSS_FEB2024.pdf OSS_FEB2024.pdf
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OSS_APR2024.pdf OSS_APR2024.pdf
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Type : pdf
OSS_MAY_2024.pdf OSS_MAY_2024.pdf
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OSS_JUNE_2024.pdf OSS_JUNE_2024.pdf
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OSS_JULY_2024.pdf OSS_JULY_2024.pdf
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TAMS_APRIL_2024.pdf TAMS_APRIL_2024.pdf
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TAMS_MAY_2024.pdf TAMS_MAY_2024.pdf
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Type : pdf